Newsletter: Towards Net Zero 2030

A message from our Chair…
June was a huge month for us and also for WA. The announcement that WA’s government has called time on its involvement with coal power and will invest millions into the renewable energy and storage market was such fabulous news for the state. Figures show that this could reduce government emissions on the South West interconnected System by up to 80 per cent.
This puts us even closer to our goal of Net Zero by 2030.
But Winter is a tough time for us here in the Margaret River region. Did you know that we use more power in winter than summer? Here in the south west its the heating, not the cooling that hits us the hardest.
There are many ways to keep our emissions down in the colder months, so we’ve pulled together some quick, easy and low cost ways to keep your home warm (see the link to our new Fact Sheet below).
We’re so pleased that the community is so supportive of our Revolving Fund. We’ve had lots of interest – more about the Community Pantry below! If you’re part of a community group or not-for-profit organisation just click here to find out more about the fund and how we can help you.
If you share our passion for the environment and want to help the community reach our Net Zero 2030 target why not join us? We have some great projects coming up and we’d love you to be part of the team.
Best wishes from Jessica Worrall, AMRCCE Chair
ZERO: Revolving Fund and the Community Pantry

The Community Pantry depends on keeping food fresh, but power for their refrigeration was going to be pricey. We’re working with them to see if a loan from the AMRCCE’s Revolving fund could help them get a set of solar panels on their roof, pumping power into their cool storage straight from the sun.
Keep Warm This Winter!

It’s winter, and it’s pretty chilly down here in the south west. Our average temperatures in July and August are 16 and 17 degrees, dipping as low as 8 degrees overnight. Heating and cooling are around 40% of our home energy use. Although many of our new homes are well insulated, there’s no doubt a few of our older homesteads will feel the winter chill. If you want to stay warm and reduce your emissions this winter, follow some of our tips from our latest Fact Sheet.
DON’T MISS IT! Thursday 7th July – Seminar with Professor Peter Newman AO IPCC and the Future of Energy

Professor Peter Newman, local sustainability expert, Professor of Sustainability at Curtin University and coordinating lead author for transport for the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) will discuss ‘The Climate Agenda: What the IPCC Report and the recent federal election may mean for the South West of WA’
Lyn Serventy, OAM, will also be leading a presentation: ‘Lowering Emissions Locally’.
The seminar is presented by the AMRCCE, Curtin University and Transition Margaret River on Thursday 7th July from 5pm to 7pm at the South Regional TAFE, Margaret River Education Campus, W10. No bookings required.
Are you a member of the AMRCCE? If not, do you want to be?
Now’s the time to renew your membership, join as an Individual ($20), a Family ($30) or a Student (free) to support our push to reduce local emissions and stay up to date with all our projects.
Don’t forget that we also welcome donations! As we’re a not-for-profit organisation all donations are fully tax deductible.
The AMRCCE is supported by our partners: